Infostat Reporting Services provides data for retail and wholesale sales.

Data is provided only to manufacturers or distributors on a contractual basis. Pricing is dependent on the size of the industry, the number of key brands and the extent of then distribution. Pricing for a single classification of product varies from $75,000 to $200,000. Updates are available every six months for a fee ranging from $7,500 to $20,000.

We employ a methodology utilizing retail sales data, wholesale sales data, retail store audits and web site audits. In addition, we analyze retail advertising and consumer catalogs.

Retail store audits are conducted at the following:

  • Department Stores
  • Mass Merchants
  • National Chains
  • Big Box Specialty Stores
  • Warehouse Clubs
  • Supermarkets
  • Off-Price Retailers
  • Specialty Retailers

Click below for retail volume by class of trade:

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